Why aren ' t the foods known to ancient america such as chocolate , lima beans , squash , potatoes , tomatoes , manioc , etc . included in the book of mormon 为什麽古代美洲人知道的食物,像巧克力、青豆、南瓜、马铃薯、番茄、木薯等等食物没有被包含在《摩门经》里面呢?
The vegetable kingdom perceives that lima beans could be fermented in a similar manner creating parallel products unto soy beans ; and lima beans can ascend into another blueprint producing even more nutrition suited to crystalline biology 蔬菜王国发现利马豆可以以类似方式发酵出与大豆相似的产物,并且利马豆可以提升入一个不同的蓝图来提供适合水晶形体的更多营养。